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Zoosh Cloud Native Software Development Logo
Investment into technology companies
Our services

Generative AI Development

Leverage the Advancements of Generative AI in Your Products

Bring your products closer to people with the human language of generative AI and more natural interactions. Enhanced usability leads to greater user satisfaction and growing sales or customer base. Improvements can range from simple and better search engines, through smart assistants, to simplifying and automating complex workflows. Generic models can easily be enhanced with your business specific knowledge, without worrying about exposing your IP.

Boost Your Internal Operations With Generative AI

Generative AI can have great value in internal operations as well. Instead of employees using expensive 3rd party SaaS tools, they could have their own bespoke assistants or interns to delegate repetitive and mundane tasks to. Autonomous agents can speed up processes and activities without creating complex, hard-coded workflows (which are expensive to maintain), by defining the rules instead of the behavior for every edge case.

Idea validation workshop

Feasibility check of your ideas, joint ideation

Check technical solution fit

Match ideas, cost, design and roadmap

Technology consultation

Launch PoC for quick validation

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Development with “AI inside”

Automate internal workflows, create agents and interns

Productize AI supported features

Utilize the latest tools, like RAG and ReAct

Covering the full spectrum: text, image, audio and video

Best practices around reliability and quality

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See what generative AI can do for you

Chatbot and virtual assistant

Take customer support to the next level with the possibilities offered by GenAI, respond to customer queries with human-like responses in an instant, while being context aware and provide relevant data.

Free text search and recommendation

Get more accurate and context-aware search results and recommendations by leveraging embeddings with semantic search.

Contextually relevant and accurate responses

Address one of the major painpoints of LLM models, limited information. You can have contextually relevant and accurate responses, even with niche and precise information, by utilizing advanced GenAI features like RAG.

Autonomous agents

GenAI is capable of more than just giving simple answers; it can make decisions and take actions on its own by utilizing agents.

Guided content generation

Automate the creation of high quality and diverse content, saving time and resources. From generating texts and images to translation the available options are vast.

Reimagined workflows

Reimagine your workflows with the GenAI mindset, which opens new approaches how you can execute your processes with the human in center.

... and much more. This list is just an appetizer, generative AI can do a lot more beyond what is listed here in the area of text, image, audio and video... Let us help you extend your imagination with a call or with a workshop, without commitment.

Our Approach

Learn from our experts

While working as partners we are happy to elaborate about how the technology works on the right level, so that you can make better informed decisions.

Integration mindset

AI features shouldn’t be considered standalone, but as integral components of a product. Our product development and UX experience guarantees that AI is used the right way, for valid use cases.

Quality control for genAI

While genAI generated content might seem random, there will be no compromise when it comes to quality assurance. We utilize appropriate techniques around data sanitation, grounding of results and testing.

design & tech experts
cloud propositions built
customers globally
Secure mobile ticketing solution
Sports and Entertainment

Secure mobile ticketing solution

Zoosh product studio used design thinking and agile software development techniques to help build and launch the Tixserve mobile ticketing solution.

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Innovative route optimisation solution for the dairy industry

Innovative route optimisation solution for the dairy industry

Zoosh help co-create the OptaHaul solution, it is a cloud-native route optimisation and planning solution for the dairy industry for better efficiency.

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