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Benefits of investing in digitalisation and technical innovation

Mervyn Graham

Digitalisation may seem like a sizable cost for your business - or any new innovative technology for that matter - but taking this big step might be the investment you need.

A strong digital presence with maximum efficiency is of the utmost importance with areas like cloud services managing the security and shareability of your information and other platforms allowing for processes to be made more efficient and user friendly. While  a good digital presence ensures you are seen by your customers, digital efficiency internally can help maintain a competitive advantage against your competitors by optimising operational processes.

Benefits of digitalisation

The access and shareability of data is one of the main benefits of going cloud native. Cloud technology is designed so information can be shared selectively with whoever you chose to share it with in a secure manner. The sharing and storage of information is one of the primary benefits of a cloud network as it’s a secure option that’s also accessible on any smart device.

As practical as that may be for a business, it mightn’t be necessary for everyone or be worth investing in a digital transformation. Another area that could be helped here is improving your customer’s experience. 

With CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, data can be gathered on customers and used in a manner that can improve their experience by ensuring you can send them relevant information to the right people. What it also does is act as a central point for information, so staff have only one place to refer too to action any customer related queries.

When you think of an investment, the word return also comes to mind and that’s another area where digitalisation could help you. An online presence and internal efficiencies can open you up to a larger market than you may be used to if you are without one. 

A valoir survey pointed to the areas that make the revenue differences saying, “The automation of sales and marketing processes, greater ability to make data-driven decisions in areas such as forecasting and territory management, and the ability to deliver new products or services were three key drivers of revenue increases”

The number of improvements you can see in your business from a digital transformation are endless but one tends to come to mind more than others and that’s a website. Creating a website is a hub for customers to see your offerings, hear updates and news that can include promotional offers and other marketing notifications. It also acts as the digital face of your brand which can be beneficial when it comes to ensuring your website is the first thing people see when they google your businesses name.

There is no shortage of benefits associated with digitalisation, so while it’s worth pondering if you can get the value you need out of investing in technology, it might not be as tough of a decision as you originally thought.

If you’re unsure of where inefficiencies lie in your business or aren’t sure if a digital transformation can help, our Product Studio can provide you with a Discovery Workshop so you can gain an understanding of what areas we might be able to assist you with for your digital transformation.