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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, their connection and its uses

Mervyn Graham

Stanford University defines machine learning as “the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed” whereas, artificial intelligence is when a computer or robot carries out tasks usually done by humans but controlled by a computer. Machine learning is one of the most important tools in an AI developers belt, which could be useful in many different scenarios. In this article we discuss in more detail about the two -

Artificial Intelligence

AI is the simulation of human intelligence of machines, and it has grown significantly in recent years. Artificial Intelligence is when a computer system replicates human cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving. It uses calculations and logic to simulate reasoning.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is essentially a division of AI, but it concentrates on algorithms and statistical techniques to imitate how we, as humans learn daily to build intelligent computer systems. Over time the system is expected to develop behaviours or patterns that were not directly programmed and learn on ‘experience’ - think of recent movies 'Superintelligence' or 'Free Guy' are key examples of Machine Learning in AI.  

Artificial intelligence and machine learning is part of our daily lives without many realising it, and machine learning will only grow in time because of its positive uses. Everyday examples include:-

1. Speech Recognition:

This is the conversion of your speech into text, such as when someone is dictating their notes into Microsoft Word. Voice search, dialling and appliance control is another version of this – think Alexa, Siri and Google Home are related to this technology. For example, Amazon Alexa is AI with machine learning built-in, it uses speech recognition, but it learns likes and dislikes based on the user interactions - then it will recommend products to buy or music to listen to based on previous transactions and song requests.

2. Video and Image recognition:

Identifying objects within digital images, which has a multitude of uses from visual recognition on social media platforms, facial recognition, object detection, labelling content of images for search engines and so much more. It has been particularly advantageous in the healthcare sector, as image processing has improved and increased the efficiency of medical diagnosis. 

Another growth area in video and image recognition are being used is gaming. On a basic level, artificial intelligence is used in games NPCs, because they will react based on the players' activities but, now it’s being combined with augmented reality and image recognition – think Pokemon, where players walk around with their phones trying to catch the best Pokemons.

3. Predictive analytics:

This is particularly useful in monitoring consumer behaviour or trends. Predictive analysis uses include; maintenance of machinery, stock management to predict seasonal changes, enhancing a customer journey based on the data to transport route optimisation. But, the most well-known predictive analysis is weather forecasting, where artificial intelligence and machine learning has enabled us to forecast the weather more accurately and further ahead than in the past.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are closely linked, often working in conjunction with each other and can benefit businesses and our personal lives in various ways. Some advantages include improved insight, enabling better decision-making, and increased efficiencies. Zoosh Product Studio can assist with your digital transformation, to find out how AI and Machine learning can benefit your business contact Zoosh today.